Granite texture library

I shot a bunch of photos of the beautiful granite in the great Rila mountain back home in Bulgaria at the end of last summer. So now I came to sort up through my photos, and I’m serving these up for you guys.

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Announced as a speaker at EUE 2010

Joep Van Der Steen, who is organizing the End-user event on 3-4 June in Utrecht, NL in the beginig of June, was kind enough to offer me to speak, and of course I’m going!

Read more interviews Mir about Rayfire

Very cool interview, especially for people who are now getting into Rayfire and have missed the whole history. You can read the article here.

Back to Pixomondo in Berlin

I just landed in Berlin for a new tour of duty in Pixomondo. I’m gonna be quite busy, but I’ll try to keep posting from time to time.

Tesla coil

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