Archive for the ‘Animation’ Category

Reel opener, FumeFX pass

The FumeFX pass of the reel opener shot.

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Animation preview, with the new Rayfire 1.43 and Thinking Particles

What can I say – new Rayfire and TP, heavenly combo!

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Another new animation – Bar-be-gone!

To everybody looking for explosive fun in the serene holiday season:


Done with 3DS Max, Rayfire, Thinking Particles, Particle Flow, FumeFX, mental ray and Fusion.

Glass break-in

Turns out radial glass break-in is quite easy to do with Rayfire and some additional steps. Might make a tutorial some day.


Creeping cracks effect

I started making the chimney demolition scene for the blur challenge, and I developed a creeping cracks effect, which I’ve wanted to do for some time. I used Rayfire and Thinking particles, which gave me the possibility to make it quite flexible. I paint the main crack with Rayfire’s draw fragment, then create a spline over it, and drive particles along it. I create the secondary fractures with Rayfire too, then use TP’s object as particles to make the closest ones to the central crack recess most, and the farthest to recess least. I create the crumbling pieces with size based on distance to the central crack too, which is cool 🙂 Enjoy!


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